Wednesday, September 28, 2011

jo bros & blondies

October 2010*
I don't know why I get so excited about halloween every year. I get SO excited, I call it halloweenie. Maybe it's because my mom never let me celebrate it as a child, so now that I can, I go buck wild with it. It's so fun being able to adopt a new identity for one night. I'm not even talking slutty, little mini outfits, I like the crazy original ones, and I'm not afraid of looking silly or putting a little work into making them. I work with kids everyday and I was out of ideas for costumes, so I started consulting them daily and taking votes on costume ideas. One girl told me that her and her friends were the Jonas brothers. I found this to be ideal since I knew my two closest friends would be on board with this. (Confessional#1 We may or may not have gone to a Jonas brothers concert a couple years ago.) I think we were the only 24 year-olds there. Gulp, so I went crazy with this idea, I got stuck being Kevin because no one ever likes Kevin. It just meant I would dress the most feminine and get sideburns...and since I was essentially making my gorgeous friends cross dress, I would bite the bullet and be Kevin.

I invited you to this, but like a typical boy you wouldn't give me a straight answer, I'm sure I was persistent and kept texting you though. You said you would come later and asked if you could bring one of your friends. I was a little flattered that you felt comfortable enough with us to invite a friend from school. Our costumes were a huge hit, we looked just like guys, everyone was thrilled and grossed out by us at the same time. Every time I would look at a picture that was taken of us, I would gag. I looked so masculine that it disgusted me, later on I would remember having to wear dresses and a ton of makeup for a week straight, in order to compensate for that night of sideburns.

I remember scrambling to get out of my costume before you got there, I didn't want you seeing me looking like a man. I put on normal clothes and a ton of makeup. The horror movie was in full swing by the time you finally showed up, no costume of course. You sat in a chair by the door looking uncomfortable, waiting for your friend to arrive. I remember wishing there was a spot open next to me on the couch, but on the other hand I didn't. My roommate's blond sister was sitting on the other side of me, she's the type that boys love because all they can see is her long, straight blond hair and blue eyes. I guess she's pretty, but she walks around like she knows it. She was Taylor Swift that year and was sporting the bright red lipstick. She kept getting up to draw attention to herself and/or look at her hair in the bathroom mirror. I thought I was being overly bratty, but my friend gave me the getta load of that eyes, and I was instantly validated in my feelings. I was on to her. She had blown up your facebook wall a couple days before, making you aware of her upcoming visit. I wished I didn't care so much, that I was okay with looking like a man in front of you, that I didn't feel so intimidated by blondie.

(We may or may not have had an outfit change. Judge away)

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